33.5″H x 33.5″W
From one simple shape this design was created into a beautiful spiral by serendipity! A rainbow of gradated fabrics twirl the eye into the design and out again.
33.5″H x 33.5″W
From one simple shape this design was created into a beautiful spiral by serendipity! A rainbow of gradated fabrics twirl the eye into the design and out again.
39″H x 44″W
Colors created by Mother Nature are incredibly beautiful. They are being extinguished by changes in their environment. Sea Anemones are like ballerinas in their graceful swaying with the ocean’s tide. My fantasy Sea Anemone comes in many florescent colors and glows with happiness, blissfully unaware of what is happening in other areas of the ocean.
63.5″H x 53.5″W
3 scrolls of a multi gradated color on one side and gray on the other side, unrolls with a gradated ribbon on the inside. Some say they look like shoes.
49″W x 33″H
A scroll of a multi colored stripe on one side and green on the other side unrolls with a gray ribbon inside.
74″H x 92″W
Where does a star begin and end? Does it spin? Does it vibrate? How many color does it have? Are they endless? I didn’t answer any of those questions but I had fun exploring them creating this piece.
28″ x 38″ on Panel
51″H x 38″W
Artist Statement: A flower is opening up. As the outside of the petal ripples with growth, the unfurling center is still tight and invites the viewer to reach inside with their eyes to see inside. Machine Appliqué, quilting and painting.
artist image for the 2024 MOS Tour Guide
A rainbow of identical flowers rotate evenly around a central invisible axis. They appear to be opaque, yet when they overlap there is transparency in play. Which one is on top of the other? You decide.
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