Marin Open Studios offers emerging and professional artists an opportunity to show and sell their work in the premier open studio event in Marin County. Register in November for the 31st Annual Marin Open Studios to get these benefits that help you connect with art collectors and expand your art business!
1. Open Studio Event – For over 30 years, Marin Open Studios has brought artists and community together in this very popular annual event. This is your chance to showcase your work to thousands of art lovers in the Bay Area.
2. MOS Website – Our year-round website helps visitors find you and your art. Easily create and update your online gallery pages, with a link to your website and video upload capability. The website features searchable art and an interactive map.
3. Social Media – Our robust social media campaign includes weekly posts to thousands of followers. We regularly publicize the event, the artists, and more.
4. Tour Guide – Over 40,000 printed Tour Guides are distributed throughout Marin County. Your listing includes your art image, location, open dates and contact info.
5. Newsletter – We send monthly promotional emails about our event, exhibitions and artists to 4,000 subscribing art lovers year round.
6. Gallery Exhibition – Open from mid-April to mid-May, the Gallery Exhibition features a single work from each participant, and is a popular starting point for art lovers. The Gallery’s Preview Gala attracts hundreds of visitors.
7. Artist Mentoring – Attend free workshops that detail how to prepare, promote and sell your work. View archived workshops on our website.
8. Advertising and Promotion – Our ad campaign includes print, digital, radio and TV. We also furnish you with free logo-branded directional signs to help visitors locate your studio.
9. Shared Spaces Program – If you don’t have a suitable Marin studio, we have many resources to help you. Visit our “Shared Spaces Program” page for details.
10. Curated, Pop-Up Storefront, and Online Shows – Expand your art’s visibility by participating in online and physical exhibitions throughout the year. We’ll keep you posted about these opportunities by email.
11. Facebook Artists’ Resources Group Page – Join to connect with other MOS artists, ask questions and find helpful ideas.
- Published by Spencer Chen
- Published by Jean Lurssen
- Published by Bette Trono
- Published by Martine Callebaut
- Published by Ching Ju Tsao
- Published by Minouche Graglia
- Published by Mansoor Assadi
- Published by Fran T Hall
- Published by Beverly Brown
- Published by Karen Robinson