Studio Information
500 South Palm Drive
About The Artist
I’m a self taught artist and mentor-guided on the impossible. I didn’t grow up with art or have any real expose to art until I rented a studio among a wide variety of artists. My art has moments of promise, but a monument to my personal growth has been placed in the middle of my studio. It’s making work difficult.
Eight years have passed since I gave up photography and rented a studio. Photography was my only artistic experience – seriously, no heart pages in a journal, no doodling on the walls. I started going to art workshops to find my artistic style. I was clueless when the teachers said just throw some paint down, it doesn’t matter how it looks. I thought, “What does that mean “it doesn’t matter?” I’ll get it next time. Nope, didn’t happen, workshop after workshop it didn’t happen. Finally, I discover what “it doesn’t matter” means. For me it means I don’t care about the success of my work through its monetary value, luckily. (That was my first clue really.) However, I now know humor is my artistic style. I can’t wait for you to discover my first piece. No wait, I really don’t care if you see my first piece.
Acrylic Paint, Drawing, Mixed Media
Contact Information
Text-415-640-5256. Having email issues.