Studio Information
Villas at Hamilton
Call for access code 415.985.5660
About The Artist
Artist Statement
I seek to create a meditative field that brings to the viewer a sense of peace and completion. I begin by drawing a grid of half inch squares in light pencil all over the canvas or sheet of paper. I then proceed to fill in each square one at a time. In the paintings there are many many layers that need to dry in between as I work in oil paint to create the depth and variation I like, and the texture. I pay attention to each and every square, in a very ritualistic manner. The drawings are worked in similar fashion making up patterns along the way. These are usually titled after the names of the pencils used in tribute to the Anonymous artists and artisans whose work is labor intensive and frequently under horrific working conditions. This series I think of as “Pencil Tapestries”
I like the quiet while I work, addressing each and every square. I liken this process to my daily tai chi practice. The form is set and my task is to simply pay attention and mindfully go through the slow moving dance, learn from and absorb the form, embrace the chi created, and finally, let it go, without attachment.
Increasingly my paintings in particular have become, “Prayers For Peace”, for there is no other way, being mindful with each step and with each breath. “Let us take care of the Elders for they have come a long way, let us take care of the Children for they have a long way to go, let us take care of those In Between, for it is they who do the work”, an African Prayer.
Gloria Matuszewski has lived in the California Bay Area since she was a young child, first in San Francisco and then primarily in Marin County. She has taught art and tai chi for several years, primarily for the Oakland Unified School District and currently she is teaching a Tai Chi class at the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art.
Her artwork has been featured previously with the Art in Embassies Program in Saudi Arabia and in Myanmar, formerly Burma. She has exhibited in several national shows and throughout the state of California for over 40years. Her work is in several collections including Kaiser Hospital, Marin General Hospital, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Ron Collins Collection, the William F. Black Collection, Stanford Medical Center and the Tempe Public Library in Arizona.
Oil Paint, Drawing, Prints and Printmaking, Mixed Media
Contact Information
(415) 985-5660
Exhibitions & Press
De Young Museum Open Exhibition, 2020 and 2023
“Quintessence”, Andra Norris Gallery, Burlingame, CA 2020
“Bridge to Abstraction”, Juried Bay Area Exhibition, Project Space, SF, CA, 2019
“Ensemble” Exhibition MarinMOCA Artist Members, Marin Community Foundation, 2019
“Bay Area Women Artists”, O’Hanlon Center for the Artists, 2019
“The Roses”
“The Chairs”
BA in Art and English, UC Berkeley
Secondary Teaching Credential SF State University
Graduate Studies/MFA program, JFK University, Arts and Consciousness