About The Artist
My inspirations come from the Italian masters and classical drawing styles and from my career as a medical illustrator. I combine raw textured elements and morph them into more realized and polished renderings. Its this juxtaposition of “finished” with “roughhewn” that brings in the energy and dynamics for me and hopefully the viewer.
I earned my BA at UC Berkeley and continued my art training at the Art Center College of Design in illustration. I went on to receive my Masters Degree in Medical Illustration and freelanced in NYC before moving to the Bay Area to continue fine art and commercial illustration.
Oil Paint, Acrylic Paint, Drawing, Digital Art, Mixed Media
Studio Information
Corte Madera Town Center
Next to Anthem, across from Crate & Barrel
Contact Information
Exhibitions & Press
Timmons Gallery- Rancho Santa Fe 2003
6th Annual Celebration of Western Art at the Grand National Rodeo Horse Show- San Francisco, California, 2004
Juried Group Show “Inspired by the Figure” Artworks Gallery, San Rafael, California, 2004
Marin Society of Artists National Juried Show Marin Art and Garden Center-Ross California, 2004
Artrom International Society of Artists and Designers Gallery-Rome Italy, 2005
Sausalito Arts Commision juried show “Ro-Sham-Bo”-Sausalito California, 2005
Philoptocos Society Ascension Cathedral- Oakland, California, 2005
Falkirk Cultural Center Juried Exhibit of Bay Area Artists-San Rafael, California , 2005
Juried show “Small Works” Artisans Gallery-Mill Valley, California, 2006
Gallery Lazarra- Houston Texas, 12/2006
Falkirk Annual Juried Exhibit- San Rafael California, 2006
Woman’s Festival of the Arts- Long Beach, California, 2006
Evolving Art Gallery,-San Francisco, California, 2007
Los Vegas Arts Council Juried Show, Faces of Women-Las Vegas, New Mexico, 2007
Science Naturally! “Mammals Unlocked” children’s science book by Platypus Media 2022
Cover art for Scientist Magazine 2021
American Art Collector West 2005-2009
The Art of Man Magazine 14th Edition 2013
American Artist Magazine 2002
Best of Show-Institute of Italian Culture of San Francisco “Art of the Mediterranean- Celebration of Olympic Games” 2004
2 certificates of Merit Awards -Artisian’s Gallery Mill Valley Bon- Appetite Juried show 2003
Prints Regional Design Annual Certificate of Design Excellence 1996,1997
Society of Illustrators/ Museum of Illustration New York City, The Art of Medicine Exhibit, Certificate of Merit 1986.
Society of Illustrators Los Angeles, Illustrators West, Certificate of Merit Award 1988,1990
Art Directors Club of New Jersey, Certificate of Excellence, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987
International Graphics Inc, 10th Annual Certificate of Design excellence, 1983
American Artists Magazine featured in article: “Special Report on Drawing, September 2002
One of 6 featured artists in the publication The Art of Man Edition 14 2013
University of California at Berkeley-BA in Psychology Minor in Studio Art
Art Center College of Design-Associate degree in Commercial Illustration
University of Texas Health Science Center/ Dallas- Masters Degree in Biomedical Communications