Featured in the DeYoung Museum Open 2023 exhibit, San Francisco.
In response to the pandemic lockdown, I challenged myself to take at least one photo every day to keep myself creative and engaged in making art. Being confined to a single location for many months challenged me to find a fresh photo each day. Seeking light in a dark time, I noticed sun patterns streaming into my house. With light as the subject, I tracked the sun’s progression around my house as time crept around the wheel of the year. When an interesting pattern appeared I had to respond immediately, catching it as it moved, knowing that exact image would never reappear. My daily photo journal was subtly different each day, a personal solar clock, like living in a sun dial on nature’s time.
One day, light shimmered through open window slats, dancing around a tiny wooden duck, a craft project I made in high school shop class, and one of the only treasures I rescued from my mom’s house before she died in the pandemic. This photo is that brief illuminated gift.
From Light Play, Seeking Solace in Dark Times, a daily pandemic lockdown photo journal.