Gotta Dance


Susan Searway-Fertig

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Gotta Dance

An art exhibition of 19 works inspired by my love of dance and the human figure in motion from my figurative series Persona.  I hope my work will inspire and give enjoyment to all their students, parents, and staff.

Persona. Art Statement:
“I look for stability in an unstable society. Based on this concept I have created my figurative series: Persona. Persona is a personal reflection that focuses on the harmony of the body and the soul: the physical versus the spiritual, represented sometimes as one, sometimes as individuals. I try to blend the idealism of the human form in combination and contrast with the variety of people – people seen through the lens of reality varying in shape, size, and form. I like to use a lot of color, movement, and spontaneity in my compositions.

Whether I am working in photography or on a two-dimensional plane I try to capture the essence of my subject by focusing on their lines, patterns, textures, forms, colors, and shapes. My hope is to find a unique perspective in all my work.”

A big thanks you to Wilhelmina Frankfurt – Artistic Director and Casey Lee Thorne – Development Director for this opportunity to hang my work in their facility.

Presented By:

Susan Searway-Fertig


Date(s) - February 2, 2023 - May 31, 2023
All Day


Stapleton School of the Performing Arts
70 Greenfield Ave
San Anselmo, CA 94960



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