Profile Photo

Linda Wegmann

  • 480 Gate 5 Rd, Sausalito, CA 94965, USA
  • STUDIO 278E

Studio Information

Building Name


Studio Or Unit Number


Special Location Or Visiting Instructions

one block up and across the street from Molly Stones Market

COVID Precautions

About The Artist

Artist Statement

“My design background and experience painting merge as I refine my inner voice through abstraction and exploration of figures and shapes and the play in between.

Inspired by and study many, including, Conrad Marca-Relli, Richard Diebenkorn, Manuel Neri,
William de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, and so many more.

Abstract shapes are my tool for the exploration of figures, pure abstraction and landscapes. Living here in the Bay area is constant inspiration. Weaving it all together through practice into paint is my greatest challenge and dance”.

I currently work in oil and cold wax medium.

—Linda Wegmann


I’ve lived in Mill Valley, CA since 1983. I ran my graphic design firm for over 30 years, Linda Wegmann Design. Finally onto my best career as an artist.

Art Medium(s)

Oil Paint

Contact Information

Artist Full Name
Contact Email Address

(415) 609-5670

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