Profile Photo

Linda Mueller

  • 500 Palm Dr, Novato, CA 94949, USA
  • #210

Studio Information

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About The Artist

Artist Statement

I work in mainly mixed medium and acrylic.  Portrait painting was my first love and over the years have added various types of mixed media to enhance style, color and texture to give the work more of a narrative quality


I am an active artist at MarinMOCA in Novato and have had a studio there for many years.  Participated in many gallery shows there and have placed in top awards for the Annual Altered Book Shows. Started Painting at 50 after a long career in Advertising.  Attended UCB, SF Art Institute and Academy of Art classes in Painting, mixed media, history of art.  Glenn Hersch was a teacher and mentor to me and was very influential in the direction I now work.

Art Medium(s)

Oil Paint, Acrylic Paint, Drawing, Mixed Media

Contact Information

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