Profile Photo

John Hersey

  • 715 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA 94960, USA
  • archived-artists

About The Artist

Artist Statement

I make pictures for fun

Curiosity and colors inspire my hiking, observation and experimentaion


John Hersey is known as  one of the founders of digital illustration


He is a world reknowned illustrator having worked for clients such as the New York Times, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Time Magazine, Bandai Corporation, Le Monde and  the Times of London to name a few.



He has made an Absolut ad, designs for Swatch watches, robot toy designs for Bandai Corporation, posters for the Museo Fortuny in Venice Italy and has won the prestigious Cannes Silver Lion award for Illustration.


He also has won a gold medal for editorial illustration and page design from the Society of Publication Design as well as numerous other awards and accolades for his innovative illustration and design


His work is in the collections of …

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

The Museo Fortuny in Venice Italy

The G8 Design collection in Tokyo


Art Medium(s)


Studio Information

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Exhibitions & Press

Group Exhibitions






200 8 Ta s c h e n I l lu s t r a t ion Now! : volume 2

200 8 Sa n F r a n c i s co Ce n t e r f or t h e Boo ok / Th umbwa r / le t t e rp r e s s a n d b ou n d a t t h e SFCB

200 8 3x 3 maga z in e / 2 p age s s h owin g 3 image s / p age 36 – 37

200 8 Ame r ic a n i l lu s t r a t ion 26/ 4 p age s of 4 e xp e r ime n t a l image s / p gs

200 7 Sa n F r a n c i s co Ce n t e r f or t h e Book / b ook d e s ign commi s s ion / ’How t o…” p r oje c t / Sep t emb e r

200 7 3x 3 Maga z in e / In t e r v iew in “ icon ” s e c t io n of ma ga z in e /Sep t emb e r

200 6 Sa n F r a n c i s co Ce n t e r f or t h e Book / commi s s ion e d la rg e f orma t p r i n t

200 6 Ca r e e r r e t rosp e c t i ve e x h ib i t ion a t G8 Ga l le r y / Tok yo , J ap a n /Ma r c h 3 – Ma r c h 30

200 4 In c lu d ed in Ar t Ce n t e r Col l ege of De s ig n s ’ ‘D e s ign Imp a c t ’ Mon o gr ap h

200 2 Ch i ld r e n ‘ s b ook p u b l i s h e d : ‘b in k ob in k ’ / J ap a n

200 2 Cov e r a n d ma jor a r t ic le in E’T ap e s ( F r e n c h De s ig n Maga z in e ) / F r a n c e

200 2 Cov e r of F orm (Ge rma n gr ap h ic d e s ign ma ga z in e ) /Ca l i f orn i c a t on

200 0 Sa n F r a n c i s co Mu s e um of Mod e rn Ar t , Ico n s of Cu l t u r e Sh ow/ grou p s h ow

199 8 d e s ign ed t h e XM s a t e l l i t e r a d io lo go t h r ou gh a gr ap h ic d e s ign f i rm in New Yo r k

199 7 Ab s olu t AD/Ab s olu t V od k a / a p p e a r e d 3 t ime s on t h e b a c k of Wi r ed Maga z in e

199 6 2 wa t c h d e s ign s f or Swa t c h

199 4 Gr a p h ic A r t i s t ‘ s Gu i l d Pr ic in g a n d Et h i c a l Gu i ld in e s Ha n d b ook co ve r

199 5 Pos t e r – New Po p Ex h i b i t ion in Ve n ic e I t a l y – Mu s eo F or t u n y

199 2 Pr i n t Mag a z in e cove r a r t a n d mu l t i p ag e a r t i c le /Ap r i l

199 0 Commu n ic a t ion s Ar t s Maga z in e : mu l t i p a ge a r t ic le

198 4 Por t f ol io maga z in e : 10 p ag e a r t i c le wi t h 20 s amp le s of my wor k


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